"A library book, I imagine, is a happy book." Cornelia Funke

"Everything puts me in mind of a story." Ben Franklin

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tiger Tales Storytime

Who Is the Beast? Who Is the Beast? by Keith Baker

The Story of Little Babaji The Story of Little Babaji by Helen bannerman, Illus. by Fred Marcellino

Read to Tiger Read to Tiger by S. J. Fore

Tiger Pups Tiger Pups By Tom and Allie Harvey

Tiger, Tiger, Growing Up by Joan Hewett, photos by Richard Hewett

The Rat and the Tiger The Rat and the Tiger by Keiko Kasza

Sam and the Tigers: A Retelling of 'Little Black Sambo' (Picture Puffins) Sam and the Tigers: A Retelling of 'Little Black Sambo' (Picture Puffins) by Julius Lester

Stripe Stripe by Joanne Partis

No Dinner!: The Story of the Old Woman and the Pumpkin No Dinner!: The Story of the Old Woman and the Pumpkin by Jessica Souhami

The Princess and the Pea The Princess and the Pea adapted and illustrated by Janet Stevens

Auntie Tiger Auntie Tiger by Laurence Yep, Illus. by Insu Lee

We will also give "three cheers and a tiger" for our favorite things: Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Grrrrrr!